Our founder and Queen of Juice cleansing shares her story of how she created the very first UK home delivery ‘Juice Detox‘ company almost 15 years ago..

My story
Each morning, when I would drive my daughter to school, I‘d pass an old cigarette advert painted onto the brick of an old building. It said, “Be kind to yourself! For your throat’s sake, smoke!” We have spent so many years taking in nutritional and health advice printed on ‘Sugar Puff’ cereal packs and ‘Old brick walls’, wondering why our kids turn into demons after their morning bowl of cereal or discovering that smoking isn’t actually good for you at all!
GPs are handing out prescribed medicines for one thing or another more than EVER before, many without taking the time to first assess our diets before handing over drugs. Please don’t get me wrong, if I need a prescribed medicine for myself or my family, I will take them, but it’s important that we first try to make our own dietary and lifestyle changes BEFORE we book an appointment with the doc!
From Chronic Fatigue…
Fatigue, weight gain, bone mineral deficiencies, mood disorders and disease are crippling us and now instead of seeking the doctor first for fixes for these things we are looking at how we can change our own lifestyles and diet in a sustainable way…more people are aware and seeking information about nutrition and health than ever before. We are a changing nation and one to be proud of!
My own journey and the birth of Raw & Juicy started in 2006. I was suffering with chronic fatigue and various other symptoms that had me sleeping 14 hours a day and feeling very unwell. My GP put me on a combination of anti depressants and contraceptive pills to try and fix the problem, but I wasn’t depressed and the pills caused considerable weigh gain which actually contributed to the ‘fatigue’. I was 26 years old and unhappy about taking strong medication which was just not helping at all.
to transformed health & a new passion
I did some research to find the best way of cleansing my system from all the drugs the doctor had been giving me and a juice fast seemed to be the most natural and effective way of doing this. I tried to find retreats that I could go to. I’d read that the optimum duration to fast for a complete detox was 8 weeks but the places that offered juice cleansing programs were either out of my price range or in another country, also I had a 2 year old child and just couldn’t have taken the time away.
I was intent that a 8-week juice only cleanse was what I needed to feel better, so I researched it and put together a program for myself at home… My life changed! I didn’t have to sleep 14 hours a night or take regular naps during the day, weight that I had accumulated literally disappeared and I felt normal. Friends saw the transformation and asked me to help them put programs together and so on and so forth.
I had found my passion, created Raw & juicy and have dedicated the last 15 years of my life to helping my clients achieve good health by providing them with bespoke Juice cleansing programmes Therapy and Life-Coaching. Be it weight loss, or weight gain, high cholesterol or blood pressure, sports performance and endurance, or muscle and tissue repair, whether you are post-pregnancy or have a red carpet event coming up Raw & Juicy, provide bespoke, alkaline and juice cleansing programmes to suit all your individual, lifestyle and dietary requirements.
available 24 hours a day.
To make your time with us as enjoyable as possible you will also be allocated your very own personal programme coordinator who will be available to you 24 hours a day to advise and support you during your Juice cleanse. We all know what the benefits of eating “the right foods” are. We have all heard the saying “you are what you eat,” but it is easy to fall into bad habits, eat the wrong things and wonder why we feel so awful!
achieving good health
I believe that the most important thing we have in our lives is our health; without this, we have nothing! The more we appreciate our lives and the people within it, the more we realize that in order to love and enjoy life with them we need to take care of ourselves.
Raw & Juicy will provide you with everything you need to help you achieve your goals… With us, your path to achieving good health really couldn’t be easier…!