Helping you to achieve your wellbeing goals is something we passionately advocate. We’d even go as far as to say that your health is our number one priority. Even if it’s not currently top of your own list, we’ve got your back (and your gut!)
We are all unique and so are our nutritional needs which is why our Juice Cleanse in London programmes can be tailored to suit your individual dietary requirements. More people today than ever before are suffering from allergies and intolerances. It’s the modern world in which we live. That’s why at Raw & Juicy, we’re always on hand to offer 24hr free nutritional support and advise.
So if you are thinking of undertaking one of our delicious and nutritious juice cleanses, we’re here for you every step of the way, even before you get started! On today’s Blog, we’re going to be addressing the typical juice cleanse mistakes that clients often make and offering our top tips on how you can avoid them. So let’s get started and help you on the road to optimal wellbeing.
Common Juice Mistakes you Should Avoid
Firstly we want to congratulate and applaud your commitment to improving your health and wellbeing. You’re certainly in great company. Our Juice Cleanse in London programmes have been enjoyed and experienced by everyone from Jo Malone and Bryan Adams to Vogue Magazine and Chelsea Football Club! As the UK’s original and leading juice cleanse company, we are on a mission to get you all juicing the right way! So what are some of the frequent mistakes we’ve come across in the last 15 years since we first established Raw & Juicy?
An All or Nothing Attitude!
Optimal nutrition and juicing is not about a one size fit all package. Having a black and white mentality towards food could wind up having a detrimental effect. Your good one day, bad the next! You need to adopt sustainable practices.
If you’re not eating a balanced diet that supports your unique needs and you stick to just certain food groups out of habit, you could wind up with a very unhealthy relationship towards food. Any diet or juice cleanse, needs to be practical and achievable given your circumstances but above all, starts with mental preparedness.
Tempting as at it might be to stuff your face with pizza for breakfast the day after you’ve finished your juice cleanse, under some misguided feeling that it’s a “reward” for successful completion, you’re simply undoing the hard work you’ve put in and putting your gut back under immediate strain.
Healthy food IS the reward! As is the profound sense of wellbeing and renewed energy, you will be feeling. So ease back into your regular diet gently. Take it slow and steady so as not to shock the system. Instead, re-introduce high quality and nourishing food sources; keeping it clean rather than “convenient”.
You Try And Overdo Things
When you are on one of our Juice Cleanse in London programmes, you must listen to your body.
You are going to be drastically reducing your calorific intake, so don’t be surprised if you can’t manage your usual HIIT workout. While you will undoubtedly feel a million dollars when you’ve completed your cleanse, it’s a good idea to take things slow for a few days, especially when it comes to exercise.
By all means, if your body is up for it and you feel like exercising, great! However, don’t be tempted to over-do things. This isn’t some competition or challenge. This is all about pressing the reset button on your nutritional goals by creating the perfect cleansing experience for you. So if your body feels like doing some light walking or gentle stretches, honour and respect that feeling. Your body is your best friend so take good care of each other.
You Commit to Something that you can’t Complete
Time for a reality check! More juice cleanses fail because of unrealistic expectations and unachievable goals than anything else. We are all unique, with different basal metabolic rates, lifestyles and energy requirements. It’s so important that you commit to a Juice Cleanse in London programme that works for you and you only. Even if you are doing a cleanse with a partner or flatmate, your needs will be different.
So be realistic. Start on a cleanse that you can manage not that leaves you feeling deflated but also defeated. The idea is that you feel energised and full of vitality, fuelled with nourishing organic and nutritious goodness. Remember, you can always work up to one of our more advanced, longer duration cleanses once you’re a fully-fledged juicing pro!
If you’re ready to start your juicing journey today, then check out our extensive range of tailor-made Cleanse programmes and don’t forget that we offer pre and post support to keep you on track.